Is the Mediterranean diet a healthy diet?

The traditional Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of depression and the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease, but it is not as beneficial for the heart and blood vessels as many people think. Let's understand the intricacies.

foods for the Mediterranean diet

What is the essence of the Mediterranean diet?

This is not exactly a diet, but a food system that developed in the region near the Mediterranean Sea, food culture, food habits that are characteristic of Greeks, Italians, Spaniards, Moroccans. The benefits of the Mediterranean diet began to be talked about in the 1960s, when data appeared that mortality from cardiovascular diseases in Greece, France and Italy was significantly lower than in the United States and Northern Europe. Many experts believed that it was a matter of differences in eating habits.

Only a few of the world's food systems are scientifically recognized as World Heritage:

  • Mediterranean diet,
  • Okinawa Island Food,
  • The Scandinavian way of working.

All these approaches are united by the absence of strict restrictions, tables and strict rules and attention to food culture and local products. Let's understand how the diet was built near the Mediterranean Sea and whether it is possible to repeat the effect of the diet here.

Foods to include in your diet

Typical diet foods:

  • olive oil;
  • olives;
  • hummus;
  • fresh vegetables, berries and fruits;
  • plain yogurt and cheese;
  • garlic, onion;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • greens - thyme, rosemary, oregano, basil;
  • white bread, pasta;
  • red wine.

Food to avoid

Eggs and meat are severely limited on this diet. Pastries, bread and pasta are ideally made from whole grains. The best dessert is fruit, honey, nuts, not store-bought sweets with trans fats. Avoid anything that has been transported for a long time from the other side of the world and stored in the freezer. There is no need to consume less butter, fatty dairy products and cheeses. More fresh vegetable salads with added protein.

The Mediterranean food culture is based on certain habits related to the lifestyle of the local population. These habits also affect health, including mental and emotional health:

  • spends a lot of time with his family,
  • they often visit their parents,
  • give up an unhealthy and complex diet,
  • respect the culinary tradition,
  • cook and eat together, often outdoors,
  • use local fresh products from the market,
  • Lead an active lifestyle, walk a lot and do physical work.

Overall, the Mediterranean diet is considered one of the healthiest and most balanced in the world, and the people of the Mediterranean are known for their health and long, active lives.

sterlet fillet on a Mediterranean diet

Is it possible to lose weight on this diet?

Residents of the Mediterranean region do not always maintain a slim figure, but many still believe that their diet alone guarantees weight loss. That's not true: losing weight requires physical activity. Those who want to lose excess weight will need to reduce the amount of fat. At the same time, a diet based on food prepared at home from fresh ingredients helps control and maintain weight. Separately, scientists noted the benefits of such a diet compared to a low-fat diet: in the control group of the study, those who added olive oil to their diet lost the most weight.

It takes at least 5-6 months for noticeable results. But weight loss will happen comfortably and imperceptibly, without suffering, hunger, sudden weight jumps and falls, and the lost kilograms will not return.

Myths about the Mediterranean diet

Myth 1: Good for the heart

A recent review of the results of 30 studies on the effect of the Mediterranean diet on the risk of heart attack and stroke did not show remarkable results. It is impossible to say anything definite about the effect of nutrition on the cardiovascular system: in some cases it lowers blood pressure, but does not save you from a stroke, in others it reduces the content of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, but only by 10%, which is insignificantly small incompared to the effect of drugs.

Myth 2: You have to drink wine every day

Regular consumption of wine, especially red wine, is an important part of Mediterranean culture. But doctors believe that only moderate use can be beneficial. "Moderate" is about half a glass a day, and in some studies even less, up to 15 grams. And this applies only to completely healthy people without any chronic diseases. In any case, the cult of wine is one of the most controversial aspects of popular nutrition, and belief in its miraculous powers could potentially do more harm than good.

Nutritionists also advise not to forget the benefits of divided meals 5-6 times a day: the Mediterranean region is more characterized by a different rhythm with a late and meager breakfast, a siesta break in the afternoon and a rich late dinner.

Myth 3: You must eat regional products

The great benefits of the Mediterranean diet come from foods from a certain region:

  • olive oil and seafood are rich in healthy fats,
  • avoiding sugar and a large amount of fiber in vegetables and fruits are good for the gastrointestinal tract,
  • Whole grains have an anti-inflammatory effect and maintain a high level of energy throughout the day.

Unfortunately, we live far away and receive all the same products in far from original form, damaged during transport, processed and so on. Although our climatic conditions are different, some of the Mediterranean products can actually be replaced by better-known and more affordable ones, simply by adapting the diet to our regions: cod, mackerel or herring, buckwheat, pearl barley, oatmeal as whole grains, kefir and yogurt instead of yogurt. White cabbage will replace broccoli, and unrefined sunflower oil contains more omega-6, phytosterols and vitamin E than olive oil. And be sure to eat more seasonal berries, vegetables and fruits.

The balanced diet program follows the same principles that have made the Mediterranean diet famous around the world: fresh local produce, a balance of nutrients, healthy fats and whole grains.

A healthy, balanced diet helps maintain slimness, tone, good mood and health, increases performance and lifts mood. You can choose the desired calorie content or order a gluten- and lactose-free option.

Advantages of the Mediterranean diet

The secret to a healthy diet is not just the balance of nutrients. There are several areas of health where the potential of the Mediterranean diet is truly impressive:

  • mental health,
  • mental health of the elderly,
  • prevention of cancer problems.

A traditional Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of depression, especially compared to a diet high in fat and carbohydrates. The risk is 33 percent lower than for those who prefer fatty, sweet and fast food. According to one version, this is due to how the microflora in our intestines affects the body as a whole, and especially the brain.

Free sugars and saturated fats can cause inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, which can affect neurotransmitters responsible for mood regulation. On the other hand, the studies themselves may simply confuse cause and effect: people in a bad mood do indeed eat more badly and eat more sweets; maybe the depression is primary, not the diet.

Other benefits: The Mediterranean diet has shown good results for mental health in the elderly. American and British gerontologists have found that those who eat this type of diet have a 15-35 percent lower chance of developing senile dementia and have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

Finally, limiting sugar and red meat in the diet reduces the risk of cancer. A review of research over the past 10 years found that food in the region is rich in useful substances with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that slow down the development of cancer cells.

Disadvantages and harms of the Mediterranean diet

The principles of the Mediterranean diet are in accordance with WHO recommendations. By giving up junk food, a person usually loses weight, but smoothly and slowly, without harmful or dangerous side effects.

Perhaps the only disadvantage of nutrition is the high price of quality products. In addition, in winter, at our latitudes, it is difficult to eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day, or to find fresh fish every day.

And the damage, like any other diet, is associated with a lack of moderation and balance: drinking a bottle of wine every day while eating pizza is not good for anyone, even if the products are the freshest.

Otherwise, there are no contraindications for the Mediterranean diet, except for intolerance to certain foods. Only those with liver or gastrointestinal tract diseases should try it with caution. It is necessary to consult with a doctor and a nutritionist beforehand.

Tips for creating a Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest food systems in the world. But don't forget that one of its secrets is healthy local products. This can be difficult to find a replacement for in northern regions.

The diet includes three main meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can snack on something harmless: fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, berries or yogurt without sweet additives.

An important part of the Mediterranean food culture are healthy habits that have a positive effect not only on physical but also on emotional health. For example, a love of family gatherings and cooking. Try it

  • cook with friends and family,
  • attend culinary master classes and courses,
  • organize themed dinners and parties.

In this way, pleasant emotions will be added to the healthy food of the child. Another important component of the Mediterranean lifestyle is physical activity. You need to move at least 30 minutes a day: walk, dance, climb stairs, do housework. Weekends are best spent outdoors and in good company.

Daily consumption of wine on a diet can only benefit completely healthy people and in very moderate quantities. As a rule, it is not safe for women to drink more than 150 ml of wine per day, and for men no more than 200 ml. If there are even minimal risks, the harm to health may be more noticeable than the benefit. If there is even the slightest doubt, it is better to avoid alcohol altogether.

Remember, even the Mediterranean diet is not a cure-all. It does not guarantee the prevention of heart attacks and strokes, but it reduces the risk of depression, helps control weight, reduces the likelihood of developing dementia and is useful for cancer prevention.

sea ​​bass fillet on a Mediterranean diet

An example of a Mediterranean menu for the week


  • Breakfast: oatmeal with berries, whole grain muffin with coffee.
  • Lunch: fish soup and a whole grain avocado sandwich.
  • Dinner: squid salad, fresh fruit.


  • Breakfast: unsweetened yogurt with fresh fruit.
  • Lunch: vegetable curry with chickpeas and fresh seafood salad.
  • Dinner: broccoli casserole, boiled egg.


  • Breakfast: omelette with tomatoes and olives.
  • Lunch: baked fish and quinoa, seasonal fruit compote.
  • Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese casserole with berries.


  • Breakfast: natural yogurt with walnuts.
  • Lunch: minestrone soup and a whole grain salmon sandwich.
  • Dinner: Sous vide potato casserole with chicken breast.


  • Breakfast: oatmeal with fruit and honey.
  • Lunch: brown rice with aromatic spices, egg and squid.
  • Dinner: seafood pasta and a glass of red wine.


  • Breakfast: omelet with red fish and a plate of avocado.
  • Lunch: Durum wheat spaghetti with roasted turkey.
  • Dinner: vegetable lasagna and a glass of wine. .


  • Breakfast: steamed cheesecakes with pistachios and apples.
  • Lunch: fish soup and salad with avocado, grapes, arugula, nuts and goat cheese
  • Dinner: whole grain pizza.